Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Distinct Horoscope

!!A Distinct Horoscope!!
There are various rules to determine the strength of a horoscope that can make it distinct from others. There are also various kinds of planetary positions that can make a horoscope YogaKarak. But I have seen many nativities leading an ordinary or normal life in spite of they have Yogakarak combinations. I have collected some clues during my study of various books; those make a horoscope distinct and Yogakarak. If some of them are present in a horoscope it becomes distinct despite the ordinary planetary position.
1-    Ascendant, ascendant lord, and moon are the three main pillars of any horoscope. The Atmakarak and Sun are also important. When these are situated in a benefic sign, they become strong or Yogakarak. To determine, the auspiciousness of a sign observes the rules below.
a-     The sign occupied by the ascendant lord in the navamsa diagram becomes benefic also trine and seventh from it more so which is immovable by nature among these. The aspected sign by the ascendant lord also holds goodness in it. The sign occupied by the ascendant lord in the Rasi chart also puts good results but cannot equate to Navamsa's position.
b-    Note the Navamsa sign of Moon, the sign of exaltation of its sign lord becomes much benefic to native. The exaltation sign lord of Moon from the Rasi chart also has benefic nature.
The people's birth in these signs may be much more helpful if in a benefic Tara. These signs also can reduce the evils of the house and planet if any.

EX-1 Observe the horoscope of Gautam Buddha according to Dr. B.V. Raman from his notable work ‘Notable Horoscope’.

His ascendant lord Moon is in the Aries Navamsa so the Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and Libra signs are auspicious. All The planets posited in these signs including ascendant lord Moon. Further, the exaltation sign of Mars (sign lord of the navamsa moon) is Capricorn so the sign of ascendant Cancer 7th from it also became good.

EX-2 –  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Birth Detail- 12/01/1917, 8/00 hours at Bilaspur(Chhattisgarh) 82E12 & 22N03 (This birth was particularly taken from one of his disciples working in his institute)

The ascendant lord Saturn is in the Leo Navamsa so Moon at Leo and Sun also Atmakarak at sign Sagittarius becomes Yogakarak. His Moon is in the Gemini Navamsa so sign of the exaltation of its lord (mercury) Virgo and trine there became good and one of them (Capricorn) rises as an ascendant having two planets in it.
a-     The karakamsa sign also enhances the result of houses occupied by it in Rasi chart and also trine and 7th therefrom.
b-    The ascendant is not even Vargottam but falls in the same trine in the Navamsa. It enhances the traits of the ascendant.
2-    When the lord of the exaltation of ascendant lord either posited or aspect ascendant even it is functional malefic proves Yogakarak though spoils the house where it posited. It is also good if posited in square places from the ascendant.

EX-3- Dr.B.V.Raman
DOB- 8/8/1912, 19/42/44 hours at Bangalore

The Atmakarak Moon is in the Leo Navamsa so all fiery signs and signs Aquarius became good. His ascendant is Aquarius getting benefits from the Karakamsa sign. The Venus lord of the exaltation of ascendant lord aspecting ascendant hence it attained extra strength or goodness. The Navamsa ascendant sign Libra is from the trine sign of ascendant.
1-    When a planet is in debility but with its sign lord (depositor) or aspected by it, or having sign exchange, in the same Varga, especially in the Navamsa diagram. But both should not be posited in evil houses. An effective cancellation of debility that really works on practical grounds.

See the horoscope of Dr.Raman again. His ascendant lord Saturn is in the debility in the Navamsa but within the aspect of Mars (Libra Navamsa) the sign depositor of it.

EX-4-Mother Teresa
DOB- 27/08/1910, 17/33 hours at 20E37 & 44N57 Yugoslavia

Her ascendant lord Saturn is in the Leo Navamsa so the sign Aries becomes good occupied by ascendant lord Saturn. The Moon Navamsa sign is Aries and the exaltation sign of Mars the Capricorn is the ruler of her ascendant. Moon also occupied a fixed trine sign from it. The lord of exaltation sign of ascendant lord Saturn is Venus aspecting ascendant. Mercury is in the Navamsa of debility at the sign Pisces but within the aspect of its sign depositor Jupiter. Her Karakamsa sign Cancer (AK-Jupiter) is 7th from ascendant.

EX-5- Dhirubhai Ambani
Dob- 28/12/1932, 6/37 hours at 70E30 & 21N30

There is no popular kind of Rajyoga described in various texts. His ascendant lord is also weak being in debility in the Navamsa. But the sign occupied by the ascendant lord in the Navamsa is Capricorn and the trine signs their form becomes auspicious that is occupied by the ascendant lord in the Rasi chart. Further, the Navamsa sign is occupied by Moon in Libra and the exaltation sign of its lord is Pisces so the sign Virgo 7th from it is good enough, posited by his ascendant lord Jupiter in Rasi chart. The exaltation lord of the sign where ascendant lord Jupiter gets exaltation is Moon posited in the ascendant. The Navamsa ascendant Aries is in the same trine as the ascendant, providing strength to it. In the navamsa chart, Jupiter though in debility but is within the aspect of its sign depositor (Saturn in the Aries navamsa).
1-    If the Badhak lord posited in the evil houses in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses either from ascendant or from Badhak house. Though it can harm the outer significance such as lives related to both houses but proves Yogakarak.
2-    Above described pillar of the horoscope posited in the Pushkar Navamsa. The Pushkar Navamsa are 7th and 9th for fiery signs, 3rd, and 5th for the earthy sign, 6th and 8th for airy signs, and the 1st and 3rd navamsa for watery signs.
The Pushkar Navamsas are almost equal to Vargottam Navamsa.

Ex-6-  Mahatma Gandhi
Dob- 2/10/1869, 8/40 hours at 69E40 & 21N40

His Navamsa Moon is in the sign Pisces and the exalted place of Jupiter is Cancer which is posited by Moon which is also Atmakarak, in the Rasi chart. The Sun posited at sign Virgo is a trine sign from the Navamsa sign of ascendant lord Venus. The Karakamsa sign (AK-Moon) is Pisces a trine sign from his natal Moon. The exaltation lord of ascendant lord Venus is Jupiter, aspecting ascendant, providing strength to the horoscope. The Badhak lord Sun is in the 12th house and is also a good factor according to the rule. His ascendant and its lord Venus are in the Pushkar Navamsa adding extra strength to the horoscope. More Mars and Jupiter are also in the Pushkar Navamsa.

Ex-7Narendra Modi
Dob- 17/09/1950, 9/53 hours at 72E40 & 23N487

There is no popular kind of Rajyoga that exists in this horoscope, moreover, vacant square places are also a drawback point of this. No planet getting strength in navamsa sign-wise. But according to the rules described above it is a strong horoscope.
-         His ascendant lord Venus is in Leo Navamsa (Vargottama) so this sign became benefic to him, posited by the ascendant lord though falls in a Badhak house. (This is a reason why Vargottama's position considered as a benefic)
-         His Atmakarak Saturn also posited in the sign Leo is also trine from the karakamsa sign.
-         The exaltation sign of the lord of navamsa Moon is Virgo, occupied by Sun.
-         The exaltation lord of ascendant lord Jupiter aspecting ascendant.
-         The debilitated Moon with its sign lord Mars.
-         The Badhak lord posited in the 12th house.
These entire factors made this horoscope strong and Yogakarak.
EX-9-Lata Mangeshkar
Dob- 28/09/1929, 23/00 hours at Mumbai

-         Her ascendant lord Venus is in the Navamsa of Cancer sign that is occupied by Moon in the Rasi chart.
-         The Navamsa sign of the Moon in Sagittarius, and its lord Jupiter gets an exalted position at the sign Cancer that is occupied by Moon in the Rasi chart. Her Moon sign gets extraordinary strength.
-         The exaltation lord of ascendant lord Jupiter posited in the ascendant.
-         Her Atmakarak planet is Mercury and her karakamsa sign is Virgo. The ascendant and Sun occupied trine sign from that.
-         Her Badhak lord Saturn posited in the 8th house.
-         Saturn is in debility in the Navamsa but within the aspect of its sign lord Mars.
These entire factors made this horoscope strong and Yogakarak.
---------------------------------------------------------------Raghvendra Khare

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