Sunday, December 22, 2019

Maharastra state assembly elections 2019

!!Maharastra state assembly elections 2019!!
Reproduced from Modern Astrology December 2019 issue.

The trends of the upcoming State Assembly elections in Maharastra can be gauged through the Annual chart of the state on the basis of the Zodiacal sign of the state. The chart of the moment of the Sun transition over the zodiac sign of the capital is the annual chart of the state or country.

The zodiac sign of Mumbai (18⁰58′30′′N, 72⁰49′33′′E) the capital of the state is Scorpio of the 30th degree.

Friday, November 29, 2019

!!Democracy and Indian election process!!

!!Democracy and the Indian election process!!
1-    democracy is a form of government in which the people rule, directly or through elected representatives.
2-    It is the rule of the public, for the public by the public.
Voting is considered a characteristic symptom of most types of democracy. Voting is the method of decision-making or revealing the choice of people through which a person or group presents its side. Therefore, this is an extremely important process on which democracy remains alive.

Faulty voting process:

The Indian election process is a very defective one. It violates the basic sentiments of democracy. It is only appropriate when there are only two candidates or just two types of political parties. But when more than two candidates or parties are in the election field, this process is false or unscrupulous. This process selects the candidates who are not liked by most people. And in this way, most people have to be ruled by a person or party acting on their unsupported ideas or principles. As if three candidates are in the ground, the public may have to be ruled by 40% of the voters, while the sum of divisive votes for both the deceased candidates is 60% in any way (not more than 40th % for one candidate). Candidates selected in this manner will always determine 40% public favorable policy which is against the desire of most people.

 Potential solutions:

1-    The number of candidates who are in the electoral fray, so many numbers should be attributed to one vote.  If the voter marks only a mark (vote), then all the numbers should go in favor of that candidate. There are two types of arrangements possible for marking more than one mark of voter.

A-   All points are distributed equally among all candidates. Or
B-    Considering the order of marking the voter's button or marking the vote as the voter's choice, assuming the first, second, third ... choice, the points will be divided according to the same preference. Such as 50% on the first choice, 30% on the second, and 20% on his 3rd choice, etc. This vote digit division can also be decided by the number of candidates as (1) 60-40 (2) 50-30-20 (3) 40-30-20-10 etc. Or in this method, a condition can also be added as per the requirement that the only first three or four preferences will be awarded.

2-    Political alliances of parties should be completely restricted after elections. It is also contrary to the original sentiments of democracy. Political parties get compromise with their ideology and principles to profit themselves. The majority of the people opposed to the ruling party or candidates have to be ruled by them.  Because the opinion of the public is never taken for coalition and the elected representatives combine with the parties of conflicting ideologies to grab power.

Though this method can be problematic for implementation in rural and backward areas where even today elderly voters face trouble understanding the voting process. Yet it can be implemented in urban and developed areas. In this way, we can avoid the situations like Karnataka and Maharashtra and the probability of interim elections in the country. Interim elections cause heavy losses of wealth for the country and candidates. It also causes frustration for the voters.
------------------------------------------------------------------Raghvendra Khare

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

!! लोकतन्त्र एवं भारतीय चुनाव प्रक्रिया !!

!! लोकतन्त्र एवं भारतीय चुनाव प्रक्रिया !!

लोकतन्त्र :
1-      वह शासन प्रणाली जिसमे प्रमुख सत्ता लोक या जनता अथवा उसके चुने हुए प्रतिनिधियों के हाथ में होती है और जिसकी नीति आदि निर्धारित करने का सब लोगों को समान रूप से अधिकार होता है.
2-      जनता द्वारा, जनता के लिए, जनता का शासन है.

मतदान :
मतदान को लोकतंत्र के अधिकांश प्रकारों का चरित्रगत लक्षण माना जाता है. मतदान निर्णय लेने या अपना विचार प्रकट करने की विधि है. जिसके माध्यम से कोई व्यक्ति या समूह अपना पक्ष प्रस्तुत करता है. अतः यह एक अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण प्रक्रिया है जिसकी बुनियाद पर लोकतन्त्र जिन्दा रहता है.

दोष पूर्ण मतदान प्रक्रिया :
भारतीय चुनाव प्रक्रिया अत्याधिक दोष पूर्ण है. वह लोकतंत्र की मूल भावनाओं का उल्लंघन करती है. यह तब तक तो उपयुक्त है जबकि मात्र दो उम्मीद्वार अथवा मात्र दो प्रकार के सैद्धान्तिक दलों के लिए मतदान हो. किन्तु दो से अधिक उम्मीदवारों, दलों के चुनाव मैदान में होने से यह प्रक्रिया झूठी या बेईमान सावित होती है. इस प्रक्रिया से उन उम्मीदवारों का चयन होता है जिनको की अधिकतर लोग पसंद नहीं करते और इस प्रकार से अधिकांश जनता को उनके द्वारा असमर्थित विचार या सिद्धांत पर अमल करने वाले व्यक्ति या दल से शासित होना पड़ता है. जैसे कि तीन उम्मीद्वार मैदान में होने से जनता को 40 % मत पाने वाले से शासित होना पड़ सकता है जवकि दोनों हारे हुए प्रत्यासियों का आपसी मत विभाजन 60 % हो साथ ही किसी एक के पक्ष में 40% से अधिक न हो. इस प्रकार से चुना गया उम्मीद्वार हमेशा ही 40 % जनता के अनुकूल नीति या कार्य निर्धारण करेगा जो की बहुतायत जनता की नापसंद होगी.

सम्भावित समाधान :

1-      जितने उम्मीद्वार चुनाव मैदान में हो उतने अंक एक मत पर निर्धारित हों. यदि मतदाता, मात्र एक निशान चिन्हित करता है तो सारे अंक उस प्रत्याशी के पक्ष में जाना चाहिये.

मतदाता के एक से अधिक निशान चिन्हित करने पर दो प्रकार की व्यवस्था सम्भव है.

अ-   सारे अंक सभी प्रत्याशियों में समान रूप से बाँट दिये जाये. अथवा

ब- मतदाता के बटन दवाने या निशान चिन्हित करने के क्रम को मतदाता की क्रमानुसार पहली, दूसरी, तीसरी... पसंद मानते हुए, उसी वरीयता अनुसार मत अंक विभाजित कर दिये जाये. जैसे कि पहले मत पर 50% अंक दूसरे  मत पर 30% और तीसरे पर 20% आदि. इस मत अंक विभाजन को प्रत्याशियों की संख्या अनुसार भी तय किया जा सकता है जैसे (1) 60-40 (2) 50-30-20 (3) 40-30-20-10 इत्यादि.

इस पद्धति में एक शर्त भी आवश्यकता अनुसार जोड़ी जा सकती है कि प्रथम तीन या चार वरीयताओं को ही मत अंक प्रदान किये जायें.

2-      चुनाव बाद के गठबन्धनों पर पूर्णतः रोक होना चाहिये. यह भी लोकतन्त्र की मूल भावनाओं के विपरीत है. राजनैतिक दल अपना उल्लू सीधा करने के लिये अपनी विचारधारा एवं सिद्धान्तों से समझोता कर लेते हैं. जिस विचारधारा या उम्मीदवारों के विरोध में अधिकतर जनता होती है उसे उन से ही शासित होना पड़ता है. क्योकि गठबंधन के लिए कभी भी जनता की राय नहीं ली जाती और चुने हुए प्रत्यासी सत्ता हथियाने के लिये परस्पर विरोधी विचारधारा के दलों से भी गठबंधन कर लेते है.
यद्यपि इस पद्धति को अति ग्रामीण एवं पिछड़े इलाकों में लागू करने में समस्या हो सकती है जहाँ आज भी बुजुर्ग मतदातओं को मतदान प्रक्रिया समझने में दिक्कतें होती है फिर भी इसे शहरी एवं विकसित इलाकों में तो लागू किया ही जा सकता है.


Monday, September 2, 2019

India _ Pakistan

!!India _ Pakistan!!
India, New Delhi (28N37, 77E13> 9s 23 20th) is ruled by Capricorn sign and Sravana star according to my formula of calculating zodiac sign of places, and the Pakistan, Islamabad (33N43, 73E04> 0s 13 20th) is ruled by Aries sign and Aswini star. Pakistan is India's innate enemy. The idea and theme of its origin to be separate from Hindustan was on the basis of religion and the ambition to establish the ‘rule of Islam’. This is the root cause of enmity as India has its identity based upon Hinduism mainly. So the cells of enmity with India are in the blood of Pakistan. The future of politicians of Pakistan only depends upon the worship of this origin theme. The relations between both countries will never be normal. The untold war on the boundaries is always going on from the declaration date of its formation.

The sign of both the countries (Capricorn and Aries) are subjected to the hostile square aspect. The rulers of both signs Saturn and Mars are naturally hostile to each other. But India can never be ruthless on it as the ruling star of India is in the benefic Tara from the natal star of Pakistan and the zodiacal sign of India falls in the benefic 10th house from Pakistan`s zodiacal sign Aries. On the other hand, Pakistan is always against India as the natal star of Pakistan falls in the evil Tara from the natal star of India and the zodiac sign of it falls in the malefic house from the natal sign of India. The natal sign of India Capricorn is the seat of exaltation for Mars the sign lord of Pakistan while Saturn sign lord of India gets debility on Aries which is the natal sign of Pakistan. So Pakistan will always shine by its relation with India whether hostile or friendly and India will lose its status always by developing relations with Pakistan. So it is wise not to develop any terms with Pakistan.
The worst enemy comes from the opposite direction of the natal sign of a country. The sign Aries rules the east direction and the opposite of it is the west. Afghanistan and Iran are situated in the west of Pakistan. Afghan is ruled by Taurus and Iran is ruled by the sign Scorpio. The sign Scorpio falls in the 8th house from the natal sign of Pakistan but only at benefic Tara. Hence it could be Iran who might teach a lesson to Pakistan but moderately. Other western countries of Airy and Watery nature can save humanity by destroying the motherland of terror. China is situated in the east of Islamabad in the direction ruled by its zodiac sign of it. So it seems supportive generally. But Beijing is ruled by the sign Taurus and Krattika star and the 2nd sign Taurus from Islamabad is supporting financially and may prove frustrating after a long-term relationship as the star Krattika falls into the evil Tara from Islamabad. Hence, China is a slow poison to Pakistan.

As a man needs self-identity to lead a self-respectful life so the nations also require a self-identity. It may be in the form of culture, history, language, etc. The nation is not only a mere part of the land. Pakistan did not accept the culture, language, and history of the land where it has formed. The Bhagat Singh has no place in the books of history. Some Pakistanis are Arabi and some of Afghani but no one is Punjabi or Hindustani. So this is the great crisis of identity before Pakistan. It is a self-deceptive idea of Pakistan to accept the culture and language of Arab countries. Its leader wants to turn blind to all these deficiencies. So always want to remain in disputes with India to cheat the general public of Pakistan.