Sunday, June 2, 2024

Notes on Remedial Measures

 Notes on Remedial Measures

The ultimate consciousness is the only existence in this universe. 

सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्म नेह नानास्ति किंचन (Chhandogya Upanishad 3/14/1 & Mundaka 2/2/11) _ There is nothing other than Brahman anywhere. एकोऽहम् बहुस्याम’ ­(Chhandogya Upanishad 5/2/3)_It became many by itself. It is not one or more simply uncountable. Vedant philosophy called it Advaita the Brhman. Perhaps it is a field, a conscious field! In which all the quantum field resides. It is permeated in all the living and non-living things in the universe. According to their nature, it is in the awakened state of all creatures and plants. It is more awakened in human beings than living creatures and trees and plants accordingly.

A humane body and mind are constructed by many types of elements, and ingredients. Through various types of hormones, our mind, sub-mind, bodywork, and consciousness conspicuous themselves accordingly.

‘यत् पिंडे तत् ब्रह्मांडे’  you are a universe within the universe. So, all the elements in the universe are present in the human body also. Certain planets and stars have most of certain elements and represent the same in a human body. The solar system in which we reside and some groups of stars at particular angle ranges and paths affect much of the earth.  

Consciousness is sensitizer than material and fluid is sensitizer than solid. The effect of the moon's gravitational force can be seen in the sea, not in the mountains. The result of the cruel vision of a cruel man is different on a child, a teenager, an adult, a woman, a plant, a tree, and upon a stone. It all depends on the sensitivity and level of consciousness. All the components of the world affect each other. The whole cosmos is entangled within.

Any disorder excesses or deficiency in certain elements in the human body creates disorder in health physically and mentally. Mental disorder stimulates wrong emotions and thoughts and decisions based upon them cause failure in the outer world.

There are various methods in Vedic astrology for making balance in elements in the body signified by planets and stars. These are famous as remedial measures in Vedic astrology. There are various ways to perform such actions.

1-    Worship:  The ultimate Brahman (God) is pervaded the universe. ईशा वास्यमिदं सर्वंAll this is habited by supreme God. He himself is universe (एकोऽहं बहुस्यां _ ekoham bahusyam).

a-    Worships of Devatas: We assumed sub-gods to represent different kinds of elements and energies in living and non-living things. Sub-gods are not real. They are mental only. We created them as per our needs and psychological bend of mind.

This is what the Vedas (Taittiriya Samhita 1. 2.3.2) says; –


ye devā manojātā mano-yujas sudakṣā dakṣa-pitāras te naḥ ||

 ये देवा मनोजाता मनो-युजष सुदक्षा-दक्षा” complete verse is below as:

1.2.3 अनुवाक 3 देवयजनस्वीकारः

1 दैवीं धियम् मनामहे सुमृडीकाम् अभिष्टये । वर्चोधां यज्ञवाहस सुपारा नो असद् वशे ये देवा मनोजाता मनोयुजः सुदक्षा दक्षपितारस् ते नः पान्तु ते नो ऽवन्तु तेभ्यो नमस् तेभ्यः स्वाहा

So, worship is nothing but a psychological practice to reform the devotee. The psychological practice also helps in increasing the positive side of an object. It can be done in the form of worship, prayer, and chanting a Mantra. Remembering a God and his traits, again and again, is also a kind of worship that works.

It also helps in generating positive thinking in the desired direction and can increase a certain amount of confidence and endurance. This works as per psychological rule namely the ‘Placebo effect’.

b-    Worship of living creatures and plants: The gods are more active, and live-in living things as per characteristic of consciousness. Each deity represents certain elements and energies. We worship the animals and trees, which are rich in the abundance of those elements and energy, by connecting them with those deities. It supplies those elements with their presence. At the same time, it psychologically heals our conscience.

c-     Worship of non-living things: Non-living things which are life-supporting, providing necessary elements and energy in the body represent planets and Devatas also. So, paying attention, reverence, and devotion fill the positivity in our minds. Worship of water and rivers balances the watery elements in our bodies. So, lord Shiva is more prominent in rivers and water ponds than an idol and the Sun god is in the fire, lamps, and any kind of physical energy.

d-    Devotion to abstract concepts: Some systems which are necessary to lead a social and individual life come in this category such as the system of government is a symbolic term for the Sun, a school and teacher the Jupiter, research or scientific school is Mercury, etc.  

2-    Charity: The concept behind the motive of charity is that it returns positively in many folds of what you offer. So, giving is always a profitable business. The Upanishadas said ‘तेन त्यक्तेन भुन्जीथा..’ Only they can use those who sacrifice. This dictum is true as I experienced it in my personal life.

According to Vedic astrology, every emotion and every physical thing that existed on earth is signified by nine planets, twelve signs, and twenty-seven stars. So, to pacify or minimize the ill effect of a certain planet, sign, or star, donate its non-living item to its life significance. Always give up the items and emotions signified by the planets posited in the evil houses and never accept them while you can accept the items of planets posited in the good houses.

3-    Medicine: Taking medicine (Ayurvedic or other) that is necessary to remove the negative side of an element (to balance related responsible hormones) in the body and increase its positive side.  

4-    Gemstones: Gemstones are the only symbolic term here. A certain stone, metal, herb, and color represents a certain planet. Some of them work more predominantly than others and are prescribed in astrological remedies. Using or donating them as per requirement helps in balancing a certain element in the body and mind.

So, first of all, decide the nature of a planet whether good or bad for you as per your natal horoscope. Here are some clues to know this.

For every Ascendant there are some auspicious planets and some inauspicious ones. 3, 6,8, and 12th houses and their lords are inauspicious. While the lords of the triangle and square are auspicious. 2, 7 houses and their lords are equal, if they are the lords of only these houses, then they can also be yoga karaka, otherwise, their nature is decided according to the second sign of that planet. Badhak house and its owner can be a hindrance. In this context, care should also be taken for the Kendradhipatya dosha, which occurs when the natural benefic planets are the lords of the Kendra houses only.

On the second number, we have to pay attention to the placement of the planets in both Vargas (Rasi and Navamsa) whether they are situated in the auspicious house or inauspicious. The nature of the planets also changes to some extent due to the sight of auspicious and inauspicious planets. Strong planets located in benefic houses increase auspiciousness. Whereas weak planets are not good in any house. Strong planets in the 6, 8, and 12 houses provide lots of trouble and hindrance. Worshiping a deity signified by the planet signifying the 6, 8, and 12 houses initially provides hindrance in performing rituals but continuous long effort pacifies them. It is not recommended to use the color, number, and gems signifying these ill houses. If these planets are strong, they may be helpful at last after providing many obstacles. Taking Ayurvedic medicine in the form of prescribed herb bathing, worshiping prescribed herbs and charity is the best remedy for signifying the planet 6, 8, and 12.

Unafflicted strong planets in benefic houses generally provide good results but as an owner of evil houses, they provide success only after many difficulties or split success unless they become strong Karak for a benefic house by attaining a star, sign in the both Vargas of a benefic house lord.

The position of the owner of inauspicious houses in inauspicious houses can be Yogakarak, but it harms the life significance of those houses.

If a planet is posited in an even sign it provides the result more predominantly of the house where its odd sign falls or vice versa. It is useful in deciding the nature of a planet owning two houses.

Now let us know the material, live, and abstract things related to certain planets useful in remedies.

Sun: The Sun god, lord Vishnu- Offer prayer to them. Father, Guardian, Uncle- Obey them, give proper respect and care. King, Kingdom- Follow law and order. Vagabond Sanyasis- Donate and help them. Horse- Feed them. Lion- Protect them or help in such projects. Wheat- Donate it. Bael tree (Aegle marmelos)- The root of this sacred tree can be used instead of Manikya (Ruby), plant and water it. Fruits of solid cover, Coconut- Offer to deities and respected elders. Red Sandalwood, Bandhook flower- Use in worship. Forest, Wood- Protect them and never harm them. Government Tax- Pay appropriate taxes and bills. Medical department- Provide medical help to needy persons. Copper or Gold- Use it or donate per your horoscope’s demand. Fire, Heat, and Electric energy- Don’t waste these things save energy, stop misuse, and don't steal electricity. Light, Lamp- Avoid doing prohibited actions in the present, and don’t light them unnecessarily. Heart, Bone, Right eye- Donate to such charitable hospitals.  Ruby stone, Crimson Orange- Use them if the Sun proves good to you as per your horoscope otherwise donate. Religious places- Protect them, clean up, and assist in making arrangements. Square in shape, Summer-season, East direction, Sunday- Use for the pleasing ritual to lord Sun. Self-consciousness is the soul.

Moon: Goddess in female sign with the female planet, Lord Shiva in male sign within the influence of the male planet prayer. Mother, Aunty, Respected females- Respect and help them. Cow- Feed them and donate to cow shelters. Rice, Milk, Curd- Donate to needy females and never consume these items at night if Moon posited in evil houses. Salt- Consume less or only in a balanced way. Milky plants- Save them. Khirni tree- Use its root despite Pearl. Liquid state, Watery places such as canals, rivers, ponds, oceans, etc- Save and donate water, put water faucets in needy areas or near temples, waiting for areas. Don’t pollute watery sources. Give up consuming wine. Lord Shiva is very fond of water, so to please him save water and take care of it. Take a bath in holy rivers from time to time. Aquatic creature- Donate to save watery creatures; give up eating aquatic animal’s flesh. Irrigation department- Donate for it. Silver, Conch, Pearl, white color- Use them or donate to needy females. Mind, Emotions- Donate in the lunatic hospitals, and give up ill emotions. Left eye, North-West (Wayavya) direction, Rainy Seasons and Monday.

Mars: Lord Kartikeya and Hanuman- Worship them. Brother, Soldier- Respect and help them accordingly. Military- Donate in military funds. Mongoose- Never harm such creatures. Ego and Arrogance- Give up. Blood- Donate blood! This is a strong remedy against accidental possibilities. It is also helpful in reducing ‘Manglik Dosha ’ effectively. Courage, Weapons, and war Fight for the right purpose in favor of the weak. Anantmool Vine (Indian Sarsaparilla)- Use root to provide strength for weak Mars in the horoscope and plant it. Thief- Give up give up the habit of stealing to increase the positive side of Mars. Copper, Coral, and red color- Use or donate these items. Fire, Fiery places- Give due respect to fire, and donate related items to the poor such as crackers to poor children on Diwali, and cooking gas to poor fellows. Earth (land, Clay)- Never pollute the earth, and don’t grab land. Head, Anus, Marrow, Spicy food items, Trident in Shape, South Direction, Summer, Tuesday.

Mercury:  Lord Vishnu, Goddess Saraswathi, Lord Chitragupta- Worship them. Maternal uncle, Friend- Try to develop honest relationships. Writer, Speak, Orator, Intellectual, Knowledge, Mathematics, Analytical power, Science and Math teacher, Philosophers, Student, Curious people- Respect, help, and donate to them. Support research scholars and research institutions. Birds, Parrots- Feed them, never catch parrots. Neck, Intestine, and Respiratory system- Don’t consume such items which are harmful to these organs as stop smoking. Book, Notebook, Pen, Pencil- Donate to students. Rumour- Don’t be a part of any ill rumor as it increases the negative side of this planet. Vidhara Vine (Elephant Creeper, Argyreia-Nervosa), Apamarg (Achyranthes Aspera)- Use the root to provide strength and plant and water them. Garden- Never harm it and don’t pollute. Male timely female or Kinnar (eunuch + art) - Don’t mock a Kinnar, help them. Shapes like Gadaa (Mace, Spherical!), Emerald, Parrot green color, Earth element, North direction, and Wednesday.

Jupiter: Lord Dattatreya, Dakshnamurthi, Timely Shiva, or Vishnu- Worship them. Guru, Teacher- Respect and help them. Virtuous and pure people - Donate religious books, yellow clothes, and fruits to them. Knowledge of books, and Scriptures- Donate to needy virtuous people. and give up pride in knowledge. School- Donate to schools and colleges. Son-Keep balanced behavior in parenting. Too much pampering will increase the negative factor of Jupiter just as the pride of knowledge and fear of losing reputation and harassment will decrease its positive factors. Banana tree, Bhringaraj plant (false daisy)- By wearing their roots, there will be an increase in the strength of this planet. Plant them and water them. Papaya fruit- Donate it to needy or pure people. Yellow Sapphire, gold- Use it or donate it as per the demand of the horoscope. Memory- don’t memorize ill incidents or ill behavior of the people, it may cause an increase in negative traits of Jupiter, and memorizing the righteousness of the people increases the positive side of it. Reputation, Liver, Thigh, Fat in body, Sky, Elephant (White), Spheroid in shape, Yellow, North-East direction, Thursday.

Venus: Goddess Lakshmi or assume any other form of the goddess as per sign and planets influencing it as in Saturnine sign and with Saturn it is Kaali etc. According to regional culture and cult in vogue take a deity that resembles nature with a certain planet. This is applicable to all planets.

Females- Donate to females of all social circles of all ages with adornment like clothes, jewels, cosmetics, vehicles, etc, and donate to shelter prostitutes. Wife, Sex partners- Please them and never cheat. Art and Music- Donate to develop art institutions or donate to support emerging artists. Luxury, Clothes, Ornaments, Perfume, Flowers, Vehicle- Donate to females. Cow, Frog- Feed and protect them. Sex- Don’t commit adultery. Pomegranate, Sarponkha plant (Tephrosia purpurea), Ashwagandha (Indian Ginseng or Indian winter cherry)- Use the root instead of a diamond. Plant and water them (Pomegranates are good only in the Southeast direction at home). Eyes- Bear the expenditure of eye treatment for the poor, donate eyes posthumously, and never stare with bad intentions at young females. Diamond, Opal, Silver- Donate or use them. Cheek, Face, Tip of the nose- Keep clear. Kidneys- Don’t consume food harming kidneys. Genital organs, Semen, Oval in shape, White and Mixed color, Spring Season, East-South direction, and Friday.

Saturn: Lord Shiva, Sani Dev himself, God of death the Yamraaj, Lord Chitragupt- Worship them. Servant and poor- Help them and never ill-treat them. Lame, Old-aged people- Help and donate to them. Sorrow- help sad people. Austere- Don’t be austere to poor fellows. Lie Statement- Avoid lie statements. Detachment- Try to detach the mind more than needed. Service, Hard Work- Don’t plagiarize and work honestly. Eunuch- Don’t mock a Kinnar, help them. Control- control vices and greed. Impediment- Don’t put your own foot down in others’ progress. Blanket, Sesame grain (Til), Oil- Donate to the poor. Agriculture- Help poor farmers who work in the field. Buffalo, Black Elephant, Ass- Feed them on Saturday but avoid them seeing at the time of any auspicious event. Scorpion grass (Burn nettle)- Use it instead of blue sapphire. Shami tree- Plant it and take care. Peepal tree (Sacred fig)- Watering, touching, cleaning close by areas, and offering an oil lamp at dusk time on Saturday is a strong remedy to ward off the ill effect of Saturn. Leather, Blue Sapphire, Iron- Use or donate to poor laborers. Shoes- Keep clean and don’t shatter here and there. Black and navy-blue color- Avoid them on any auspicious occasion. Knee, Legs, Nervous System, Autumn (Shishir) season, West direction, and Saturday.

Rahu: Goddess Durga or Chhinnamasta (छिन्नमस्ता)- Worship them (I personally don’t suggest worship of deity having harsh or cruel nature and also reject any form of ‘left-hand path’ discipline as God react in the same way as you offer). Snake- Avoid killing them as possible. Grandfather- Respect and serve him. Lies, Sin, Fraud, Gambling- Avoid such habits to increase the positive factor of Rahu. Incantation (Spell)- Reject it totally to attain much a long-term positive favor from Rahu. White Sandal- Use sandal items in worship and Tilak yourself using it. Mixed metal, Hessonite Garnet (Gomed)- Use it or donate. Chhatra (sacred hood)- Donate in the temple. Magic, Filthy Places, and Clothes- Keep clean home and clothes. Try to make clean nearby areas. Umbrella, Nest, Wheel, South-West direction, Chocolate-brown color, and all others like Saturn.

Ketu: Lord Ganesh and lord Dattatreya- Worship him. Self-realization, Salvation- Respect and serve people following the path of salvation (Moksha). Dog- Feed a street dog. Cock- Avoid chicken to consume. Flag- Offer in the temple and hoist at home. Obstacle- Don’t put obstacles in others’ way. Lahsuniya (Cats eye)- Donate or use it. Banyan tree, Detachment, Gray (धुम्रवर्ण) color, Red Sandal, North-East direction (opposite to Rahu), and all other like Mars.

In this way, worship is not the only solution for planetary peace in your busy life schedule. You can also make your planet favorable by adopting other positive habits in life. Inculcating such habits in your children from childhood can prove to be very beneficial for them. Planets can be favorable to them to a great extent till they grow up.

Many curses and defects are mentioned in astrology books. Like Pitra, Matra Shrap, etc, and nowadays the so-called Kalsharp Dosha is also very popular. For their peace, good results are obtained by adopting remedies of Rahu and Ketu along with Karak planet. As for Pitra Dosha adopt remedies for Rahu, Ketu along with Sun.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Raghavendra Khare 

Courtesy: Modern Astrology May 2024 Bangalore

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