!! Vedic Astrology: A Review!!
1- Snowfall occurred in the
Himalayas bringing cold waves to Madhya Pradesh. Whenever the full moon occurs there
is a tide in the sea. The soldiers started to step up and the bridge started trembling,
We shook a lanyard and the neighboring one started moving! (This phenomenon is
called 'resonance').
All the cosmos is dough within, every particle entangled with others. An incident causes another to take place. Something is not isolated anywhere. Everything is not only connected but also depends on each other. They all are the whole one. In the beginning, all were the same. The ‘एकोऽहम् बहुस्याम’ Vedas have said also that there has been a lot from one. This is nothing but a literary explanation of the Big Bang theory. The state of ‘singularity’ is nothing but a scientific explanation of the Vedic theory ‘Advaita’. It is hard or almost impossible to explain the force which causes the Big Bang. How and where from this force suddenly appear! This is why the ‘Advaita’ philosophy negates the creation and called it ‘Maya’ the illusion. It is still a single, non-dual unit like the ocean and waves but hard to understand.
We cannot see the universe in the whole sense, because we are
a part of it and certainly ‘a part’ cannot encroach on the whole.
Physically we are forced to look at the world only in pieces. We are the
integrated part of it. All of the universes are the same * entity. (*not one
and not many but countless or immeasurable as our counting or measuring
endeavor reduced its superiority over us)
The incident in one part of the universe affects the other
part. The magnitude of the effect will depend on the distance of the other part
and the intensity of the incident. Our solar system is like a family or a body
in itself. This is part of a large family/body (universe). All components of
the solar system affect each other. So, the Earth is also influenced by other
planets. Each body has its own nature and it impacts according to its nature.
The Sages studied some bodies, in a particular field, moving
on a specific path, and came across the effects on the earth. Even, the best
efforts were made to determine the effect of the body according to the angular position
and the speed.
Now the question arises as to why humans are particularly affected
and why there is a difference amongst humans!
Consciousness is sensitizer than material and fluid is
sensitizer than solid. The effect of the moon's gravitational force can be seen
in the sea, not in the mountains. The result of the cruel vision of a cruel man
is different for a child, a teenager, an adult, a woman, a plant, a tree, and a
stone. It all depends on the sensitivity of consciousness and its level of
All the components of the world affect each other. Some
effects may not be directly visible. The wooden table kept in the house is getting
damaged slowly from the heat of the sun, but we cannot inspect it because its
rate of combustion is so low that it can take thousands or millions of years to
turn ashes.
The mechanism that controls the human brain depends on or is
made up of some fluid (hormones) containing neurons. At the time of birth, the
planetary position greatly influences the system (liquid) of the brain. At that
time, it was susceptible to anything affected. The event of birth is the
most important in human life. Suddenly, a delicate mind and body from a world
go to the unknown world and open its eyes!
Indian Vedic Rishis studied how constellations and planetary
bodies put the effects separately or jointly at a particular angular position
on human bodies and developed the theme of Astrology.
There are many things/topics still to search for in science. This
does not mean that they do not exist anymore. The law of gravitation
worked even when it was not discovered. Science is progressive now and not
completed. There are many important things to be discovered. And many times, he
has to dismiss his prior recognition.
We should avoid any kind of superstition. Yes, I am talking about scientific superstition! Many scientific beliefs/rules
were challenged and they have been proved wrong.
Edwin Hubble`s discovery disproved Einstein`s theory of the static
universe. The wave nature of light disproved the particle nature and recent research
admitted dual nature. But as per the Double Slit experiment, in reality, it contains the only mystery [of quantum
mechanics]. There are so many examples and we expect furthermore.
We considered Pluto as a planet of our solar system but it
did not remain later as a planet. Now again scientists are in favor of
considering it a planet. Quantum physics has questioned the theory of
I am not a rigid supporter of any assumption that we have now
because no one is perfect in the universe. All branches of knowledge are always
in progress and there is always the possibility of new things. So, we must
avoid any kind of superstition. Science is a powerful force in understanding
the way the world works. Science is a constantly evolving process. As new
evidence is found, theories are updated and refined. This is how science
progresses. Science is finding the truth.
Science is the only honest branch of 'knowledge' and I hope that it will be sure sometime at this stage later or sooner.
2- Many intellectuals refrain from astrology, but
mostly they are engaged in hypocrisy. They are generally
anti-astrology to prove themselves modern. But if they face any
problem, then they seek astrologers. Some intellectuals are
really opposed to astrology. I support their thought. I have also
been against astrology.
How much man winks with logic and conscience but to manage
his personal life, he mainly follows the inherent tendencies/assumptions retained
in the subconscious mind. He gives preference for weak
arguments in his favor. This applies to both the pro and the opposition groups equally. Among many scientists of
approximately equal intellectual levels, some are atheists while some believe
in God. Some physicists believe in determinism while some in free will based on
scientific findings. So, the conclusive or decisive part is always forced by
the subconscious.
"The successive study of knowledge is called science". People
have some different concepts from this school’s definition. Which combines
'sequential study' with 'scientific method *' and puts away many branches of
knowledge to enter the periphery of science. The scientific method is
the only true method of acquiring knowledge. The knowledge obtained from this is
authentic. Any 'factual event' or any concept of knowledge can be
obtained by any other means such as the sixth sense, celestial
sense, meditation, Samadhi, or any power beyond the senses. But their authenticity can only be examined by scientific method. Of course, astrological
knowledge will also have been developed with the help of the 'scientific
method'. With the effect of the long chronology, many of the
inaccuracies, and unreasonableness have been taken seats. Many
uncertain and unscientific grounds used in the calculations of astrological points
are enough to keep this knowledge out of the 'science' perimeter. Prohibition
of complete acceptance of the normative rules, interference of religion, etc, and
many such points weaken this lore. Some such points are
quoted here.
The Disputed computational basis: The main pillar of Vedic astrological
calculations is 'Ayanamsha' and this is a highly controversial affair. Many heads
many minds. Every astrologer is free to use his own! Everyone is free to use
his own scale of different lengths! This is a completely
unscientific approach. On one hand, we try to calculate up
to the Minutes and seconds for approaching divisional charts but do not know that
this process is completely false with the use of different Ayanamsas. Each
Ayanamsa offers different calculations and in this way, different horoscopes of
a person are possible and whose results are also possible in different ways.
There are many
other such issues as ‘Sunrise’, methodology of divisional charts, calculation
methods for sub-planets, and many more.
b- The lack of normative
norms and
irresponsible guides:
Tendulkar is one but his birth horoscopes are six or seven.
He used the
Scorpio ascendant to predict Narendra Modi but suddenly based on the
information received from any other source; he felt that the Libra ascendant was
right! He was a highly experienced, elderly, scholarly ‘awarded’ astrologer. There
was no difference for him in the result of changing the time of birth. The
person born one hour ago was also the Prime Minister and what about the person
who was born one hour later? All the results were the same but the horoscope
and period (Dasa) sequence have changed.
well-known great astrologer, for the authenticity of the birth
time of such a person, seeks help from the sixth sense; and decides on media
and friends’ advice. But they do not have any such
astrological rule so that they can check the authenticity of such horoscope while
the entire life story of such a person is in front of them.
There are no
satisfactory rules and conditions to determine the planet’s strength and results.
Also, there are no rules to finalize which planetary position in a horoscope is
stronger than another. A lack of comparative study of planets’ position and
strength in a systematic way is also seen. Generally, astrologers are blowing
hot and blowing cold.
The leading guides
need to work more seriously to remove anomalies in astrology.
astrology needs supporters and workers of scientific thinking, not the 'monkey friend' who uses the
sword on his friend to escape the fly.
A list of the correct
predictions of his counting will be found by every astrologer while not talking
about countless erroneous wrong predictions.
Lack of critical study: Criticism is the literary mode of
discussing an object/subject, keeping its goal in mind, its merits, and its demerits.
The task of criticism is to examine a composition thoroughly and determine
its form and quality. Criticism is a very broad concept in which a genre,
writer, tendency, etc. is evaluated analytically.
Criticism does
not mean doing evil, as perceived by small-minded people. Both defects and
properties are expected to be seen.
It is a great drawback of Vedic astrology that criticism has no place in
it. When criticizing a theory or belief they consider it a personal attack. A well-known astrologer is
not ashamed even little to threaten the editor of the magazine website, to
remove articles that have been commented against their beliefs.
To develop astrology scientifically, it is necessary to
separate it from religion. To some extent, psychological logical
interpretation of astrological treatments can be taken under. And
anyway, the ‘worship’ aspect of religion is primarily a psychological process. God
or some other absolute power is certain and that is pervaded in the cosmos
and the laws of nature. The tendency to intrude on God
everywhere is not right. People expect miracles due to their link to religion. And
many astrologers take illicit gains from people's naive feelings.
Vastu rules can also be
explained by psychological and the rules of ‘nature and the environment’ of
"smooth integration".
aim of Vedic culture has been always enlightenment or knowing the absolute. If
it is a matter of lifestyle or developing a branch of knowledge or even means
of entertainment (music) all the life-related fields are developed in such a
way that they prove helpful in the process of enlightenment. ‘सा विद्या या विमुक्तये’ means that true
knowledge leads to salvation is the main motive behind developing any branch of
knowledge of Vedic culture. The motive of Rishis to develop Vedic astrology is only to
know the system of the cosmos in a particular way that highly influences
creatures of the earth. It shows our integrity with the cosmos. We are not
separate from the universe. You can realize it deeply with the help of
astrology. How are the existence and behavior (motion) of other planets
regulating the behavior (motion, tide, etc.) of Earth, so the important part
of human life is also regulated by the cosmos as we are an integrated part of
it. It strengthens the philosophy of ‘Advaita’. We are all the same and not
separated. Realize the truth with the help of astrology. Secondly, it can read
the subconscious mind of a native in a better way which is much more useful in
deciding the way of life at crucial stages. Nowadays we are using astrology as a
mean standard of materialism.
one is complete or absolute other than God. No person is final, beyond which we
cannot think. We must go ahead with new ideas and experiments with logical
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