!! Vedic Astrology: A Review!!
1- Snowfall occurred in the
Himalayas bringing cold waves to Madhya Pradesh. Whenever the full moon occurs there
is a tide in the sea. The soldiers started to step up and the bridge started trembling,
We shook a lanyard and the neighboring one started moving! (This phenomenon is
called 'resonance').
All the cosmos is dough within, every particle entangled with others. An incident causes another to take place. Something is not isolated anywhere. Everything is not only connected but also depends on each other. They all are the whole one. In the beginning, all were the same. The ‘एकोऽहम् बहुस्याम’ Vedas have said also that there has been a lot from one. This is nothing but a literary explanation of the Big Bang theory. The state of ‘singularity’ is nothing but a scientific explanation of the Vedic theory ‘Advaita’. It is hard or almost impossible to explain the force which causes the Big Bang. How and where from this force suddenly appear! This is why the ‘Advaita’ philosophy negates the creation and called it ‘Maya’ the illusion. It is still a single, non-dual unit like the ocean and waves but hard to understand.