Saturday, November 18, 2017

Kermanshah Earthquake 2017

It was a strong earthquake that took away more than 400 lives and leaves many injured. It stroked on November 12, 2017 at 18 h 18m UTC or 21h 48m as per Iran standard time. The epicenter was near the Iran-Iraq border, near to Kermanshah (Iran). The coordinates of the epicenter are 34.886N and 45.941E.
According to the formula for calculating zodiacal sign of a place, the zodiac sign of the epicenter is Sagittarius of 21st degree (8s 20°30´).
Now observe! How influential the zodiac sign got by using the formula within the range of general predictive tools of astrology.
The ascendant was at sign Cancer (3s 1°53´) which falls on the natal 8th house from zodiac sign of place!
The Moon at sign Leo (4s 20°05´) was exactly trine to natal sign flanked by malefic!!
The natal sign of place Sagittarius is heavily afflicted as occupied by Saturn and within the aspect of Mars and Gulika (2s 18°30´) from Virgo and Gemini respectively!!!

The 8th transit of Rahu at sign Cancer added fuel to the fire!!!!

How to calculate zodiacal sign of a place-
Take the longitude and latitude of place in question. Convert them into degrees. Out of them, use North and East co-ordinate with plus(+) mark and the South and West coordinates with minus(-) mark.
Zodiac sign= 9(Latitude – Longitude)

Then make the resultant figure within 360 degrees, after deducting or adding, as many times the value of 360 as possible. It must be within 360 degree and with plus mark and then convert it into Zodiac sign, providing 30 degree for each sign. The value we get should be increased by the nearest Navamsa-pada. This is the Zodiacal sign of place. But for the use of political purposes we should extend it up to last limit of star but within same sign.

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