The formula for calculating zodiacal sign of a site, country, or state.
(How to calculate the zodiacal sign of place-
Take the longitude and latitude of the place in question. Convert
them into degrees. Out of them, use the North and East coordinate with plus(+)
mark and the South and West coordinate with a minus(-) mark.
Zodiac sign= 9(Latitude – Longitude)
Then make the resultant figure within 360 degrees, after
deducting or adding, as many times the value of 360 as possible. It must be
within 360 degrees and with plus mark and then convert into a Zodiac sign,
providing 30 degree for each sign. The value we get should be increased by the
nearest Navamsa-pada. This is the Zodiacal sign of place. But for the use of
political purposes we should extend it up to the last limit of the star but within the same
sign and coordinates of capital should be taken into account.)
Follow the link below to download for free Excel sheet calculator of the zodiacal sign of a place. This Excel sheet is prepared by Mr.Raberto Velicaz from Italy, based upon my Formula for calculating the zodiacal sign of a place.
Extremely Thanks Sir. God Bless You